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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Question 20 It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city

Question 20

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.


The place where children live influences them to raise their mind. Personally, I agree with the idea that it is better for children to live in the countryside. To live in the countryside It has a lot of advantages for children. Children They do not need such stimulations a big city gives. They can live in a big city after they grow up. There are two advantages of the countryside for children in the following sentences.

To begin with, children can be familiar to the environment in the countryside. A big city does not have a wide range of forest. Children play in a small park, a road, or the ground of a school. Moreover, many children play in their home because they do not have enough space to play. It is not good for children. They should live in nature. On the contrast, they can play in the green environment in the countryside. For example, they can explore forests. They find out many amusing creatures and trees. They learn what nature is. The experience in the forests will be crucial for children. Unfortunately, Aadults can not feel as children do. Children are sensitive. Therefore, they should live in the countryside before they change their mind to that of adults.

Next, time is flowing slower in the countryside. Everybody knows people in a big city are busy. They walk fast, and they annoy severely if a train delays only a few minutes. However, children do not have to be busy. They should live slowly because they are not strong to stress. They have their own pace, and they should keep it as they want. The stress of children is a problem in Japan. That children are too busy is the most significant reason. They go to school, then go to an academy to make up for the study. To avoid that stress, they live in the countryside to live in slow time.

In conclusion, it is better for children to live in the countryside. They can feel nature from their sensitive feeling. That they can live slowly is also attractive. Parents want the children to grow up purely. They can accomplish that in the countryside.

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