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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Question 10: When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success..

Question 10

"When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the question above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.


Generally, hard work is one of the elements to succeed. But we must not turn away one more significant element, luck. Luck is important for successful business people. Without luck, they could not win in the business world. I am going to mention three reasons why luck is important for success.

The primary reason, which is the most important, is that business people have to catch quite a few business chances. Not all of the hard workers get a successful business chance. People who find a chance are lucky. After getting chance, they need to broaden their business by working hard. Only chance is not enough in (at) this stage. How they use their brain and work hard lead them to a success.

The second reason is that a business people need to find excellent colleagues. People can not work alone. Usually, they work in a group. The group members should also be celebrities. They collaborate for the same aim in the same business. To find brainy members is difficult. Only luck relates to this element.

The third reason is that not all of the successful business people work hard. Some do not work even if they succeed in business. For example, some people are succeeded to land from their father. They get money only by using the land to construct buildings (in the land). They can earn money from (the) rent fees (of offices or apartments). In this example, people do not work hard, but succeeded (to their father's) land. Actually, we will estimate that they are lucky because they could succeed (have) land from their father. If they do not succeed (obtain the) land, they might work in a company for small salary.

As a result, only hard work is not enough to succeed in the business world. People need to get luck. The reason why not all of the hard working people succeed is that they do not have luck. We must not ignore luck is necessary for our success.

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