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Sunday, August 24, 2008

Question 18 IELTS What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)?

Question 18 IELTS

What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.


To select the best supervisor is important to study in a university. Students have a project from him/her. Also, they talk and decide with him/her what courses they are going to take before they get started a new semester. The role of supervisors is to make the students graduate successfully. They get advice from their supervisor. Therefore, Hhow the school life is going is dependent on the supervisor. I will write three of the most important qualities for a supervisor below.

The first quality is that students can talk with a supervisor easily. Some supervisors are severe, and students can not say anything in front of them. S, although students should discuss the project they tackle with a supervisor. If the supervisor is frank, they can say what they are thinking directly. Therefore, Bboth can make a good relationship by talking a lot. Therefore, Tthe project will be modified better.

The second quality is that a supervisor understands the capacity of his students. It is important when students enroll in courses before a semester. They take courses in accordance with their ability and background. If their supervisor does not know the information so much, he/she will give them misadvisesmisadvice. There is a possibility that students take very excessively high level courses. I have had the same experience. I managed to finish the course, but it was too tough for me.

The last quality is that a supervisor should be revered The students observe not only his/her study but also his/her character. Usually, the study is excellent. Few students denounce that. However, the problem is the mentality. Some supervisors are very rude. Students do not like such supervisors as them. They do not evaluate that these supervisors are excellent.

Therefore, I want a supervisor to meet these qualities. For students, whether they meet a good supervisor or not is important. If I were a student, I would select the best supervisor to meet these qualities for my school life.

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