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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Question 62 person should never make an important decision alone.

Question 62

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A person should never make an important decision alone. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


In our life, we make a lot of important decisions. It is necessary that we discuss the issues before deciding what to do. Consequently, we will find a good decision. In my opinion, it is important to make a decision by talking with other people. Three reasons are written in this essay to support the statement.

The first reason is that our decisions should be objective. We can not understand issues objectively when we think alone. Subjective decisions are worse than objective ones in many cases. We always want to select the best choice to make a decision. The best way to make an objective decision is to talk with other people. The discussion will lead our decision to a better direction.

The second reason is that experienced people we talk with will have better opinions. Before we decide, we should talk with experienced people. Their decisions are based on their experiences. They will teach us what they did when they had the same issue. The stories will be useful to our decision. Especially, when we are still immature, we can not decide the best way. The luck of experience will be compensated by other people’s thinking.

The final reason is that we should avoid errors in important decisions Of course, to make wrong decision will give us good experience. It is the best teacher for us. However, it is not the same in important decisions. We can not make errors. It is because that our future will change by the wrong decision. To listen to other people's thoughts is necessary to avoid that.

To sum up, we should not make a decision when it is important. If the decision is not serious, we can do alone. However, to talk with other people is helpful in important issues. I trust that it is the best way to make the best decision.